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Do Not Take Anabolic Steroids for Body Building Before the Age of 25 Some teenagers are taken in by the photos of professional body builders in body building magazines and they start desiring bodies like that. Generally, replacement therapy is to be taken for life, except in cases of transient (temporary) hypothyroidism, which is usually associated with inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis). We cooperate with the affiliated websites which can publish their content on this website for advertising purposes. Ultimately it is the Testoviron brand name that is the most popular and widely utilized Testosterone Enanthate product in the world. WebMD News from HealthDay SOURCES: Peter Kolettis. Short-Term Effects People who use and abuse anabolic steroids do so for the effects related to improved physical performance and muscle growth. The great disadvantage of this testosterone is that where to get hgh legally it is necessary to apply often to achieve a stable level of testosterone in the blood.

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